Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another tile floor!! Yeah!

Oh my's crazy how fast someone who lays tile all the time can actually get it done!!  The guy was here by 8 and DONE by 3:30!!  INSANE!!  It would have taken me 3 days!!

 Tiling mess!  See those cabinets on the right...those are the mudroom cabinets.

I can't believe how fast he's going.
I just love this's so much nicer (in my opinion) than just straight tiles.

 Can't wait until tomorrow when we can get in there and really look at it.

Here's the dresser that I'm using for the main bathroom vanity.  I worked on sanding it today while the tile guy was here.

Tomorrow I'll try to get this bad boy stained.  I'm hoping I can get it as dark as the original stain!

See the nice original stain??  It just wasn't in good shape though.  The finish was beaded up on most of the piece.  Ugh!  I wonder what caused old finishes to do that....

I'm trying to figure out what trim we want to use too.  I've been through TONS of magazines and just am not really inspired by much.  I had picked the one below...but now I'm thinking maybe just plain.

This one just looks like a little too much to me.  I know it's not FANCY...let's just say I don't LOVE it!

I think I'll continue my hunt for the proper trim/casing.  Not sure why I'm so uninspired lately.

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