Saturday, April 14, 2012


Yes, that title really is worthy of being in all caps!  We just can't make a decision on WHERE the lights should go!  We're doing can lights for general lighting, lights above the two windows for more of a task lighting (like when we're at the sink and such), two lights over the island also for task, and then under cabinet lighting.  So we know WHAT we want to have....we just don't know how to have it, lol!  We've already been dwelling on it for a couple of weeks, and I have searched and searched the web.  UGH!  I've come to the conclusion that there really isn't going to be an answer for me.  Every kitchen is different, so we're just going to have to make our own decisions, dang!  I've also been trying to find lights for over the island...there are the big bell pendants that I've been looking at forever....I ordered one to see if it would work....

Can you see it?  Hanging there above our mock up island?  lol!
I love it....but Kade thinks it's too big! (and yes those are Kade's legs on the ladder, ha!)

So no decision has been made yet.  Kade's working on installing the can lights anyway...and we'll just see if we like where he puts them, lol.  Electrical isn't supposed to be this difficult!  I can tell you one thing...I'm going to have to get MUCH better about making decisions if we EVER want to be done with this house!

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