Saturday, September 29, 2012

One Room Down!

With flooring that is....there's now one room that has the flooring down, lol.  All I have to say after getting this room installed is that completing the rest of the house is going to take FOR-E-VER!! (Another movie quote, lol)

I just LOVE how it looks though!  LOVE the dark chocolate floors and light walls!
We've gotta get that trim picked out and ordered would look even better FINISHED, lol!

We also worked on cutting the countertop in the appropriate sizes.  We're using this on the main countertop which is 15.5' long.  Then on the other side of the stove (only 18" there).  We're also using it in the mudroom and the clutter/laundry room.  So 2 16" pieces,  1 24" piece, 1 36" piece and a 48" piece.  Whew!  That's a lot of pieces :)

First we squared up the ends.  That's Dad helping Kade....hey...somebody had to take the photos :)

We used a straight edge clamp for made it so much easier to get a perfect cut.

I went through each board and "picked" out which section went on which cabinet base.

This only took us about an hour and a we were done before noon!  The flooring at the top we actually finished this evening, just wanted to post it first since I was excited that we got it done :)

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