Saturday, September 22, 2012

Well...not entirely perfect...

Does anybody know what movie that is from?  It's from the 90's...and I LOVE it, lol.  So yesterday we got to walk on the tile job - and I got to really see what kind of job was done....and I'm not going to say that I love it.   In is the end result after 24hrs. of contemplating...

Maybe we should have thought a little harder about doing the job ourselves.  :(
So we pulled these out in the half bath....

and this one in the clutter room (laundry room)

Kade cut, and I actually laid the new ones tomorrow we can grout if we want to.  Ugh..what a crock though.  I really don't think we're THAT picky either.

Here's a neat shot I took with my iPhone today!  That's the first "macro" type shot I've done with it...turned out pretty nicely I think.  I am SOOO addicted to photography!!

Oh....and here's Kade showing me what "plain" trim would look like in the sunroom...hmmmm....still no decision has been made ;)

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