Monday, September 17, 2012

An Oldie

Today my Dad comes rolling in in his truck honking the horn....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAIN!!!  I look out and start running.  He had been down at my Aunt & Uncle's and picked up an old cabinet that had belonged to my Great Uncle...and we're pretty sure it was built by either his Dad or his Grandpa!  So I had to get out out there quick and help him unload this piece of family history!

It's got a few things that could stand to be repaired...but that will have to be done in time :)

It also came with this little box that has some detail pieces off of the big piece.
How cute is that box?  and WHY do I love it so much?
Who knows...maybe my Great or Great Great Grandpa built that little box too!

So at the end of this nasty rainy day...I happened to catch this shot with my phone of the humid mist settling over the hills.  Kinda cool.

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