Saturday, September 15, 2012

Laundry & Pantry Cabinets

Finally...a room that's actually looking like something!  Today we installed the Laundry and Pantry cabinets in the clutter room!  I still need to paint them white, but that doesn't have to happen now, lol.  This is the room that we were able to purchase a display and then add a few more cabinets to make something that will work....and I think it will work WONDERFULLY!  Now we just need tile, grout, lot of paint and trim :)  Done in no time right?  lol.

This is the laundry side....the washer & dryer will stack on the left (which we still need to pick out)  And then a sink in the middle....and that giant cabinet on the right is for the laundry baskets!!!  Pretty sure that's my most favorite thing in this room!  I'm going to love not having to look at the dirty clothes!

And here is the pantry side.  Pull outs are in the tall cabinet...then lots of regular storage for other stuff!  Awesome!  I can't wait to start organizing!

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