Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Go figure!

So we're adding that 1/2 bath upstairs in the mudroom...getting ready to drill the holes for the plumbing and low and behold...the floor joist is SMACK DAB in the middle of where the toilet drain needs to go.  GO FIGURE!  So here is how we worked around that.  (see the string in the middle...that's the center of the toilet drain)  Things were going pretty smoothly until we had to double that joist (in the top of the picture). 

In order to get the 16' joist up and attached to the other one, we had to move an old giant deep freeze that was left in the house when we bought it.  It was sitting on an elevated concrete pad, about 4" tall. HAD to be moved, so Kade, not thinking about what he was doing, grabbed the front bottom corner of the pallet that it was sitting on...gave it a good tug...and pulled it right on to the floor pinching his fingers between the deep freeze and the concrete floor!!  YIKES!!  I can't even begin to imagine how much it hurt!  He quickly stood up and said..."I'm done", "I can't do anything else tonight!"  I told him that Dad and I would finish up...he just needed to sit down for a few minutes and then we'd go home and get some ice.   He started to get REALLY pale...and I mean PALE!  I told him to keep talking to me while we finished it up.  So Dad and I were working quickly....and I kept turning around to keep Kade talking when all of the sudden his face went blank...I jumped down off of the platform cause I was pretty sure of what was going to happen...and it did....he passed out on us!  Let me make note here...that I DO NOT deal with stuff like that very well, lol, so I was freaking out!  Got over to Kade, held his head up, tried to keep him from falling off of the stairs...Dad got over there and helped me shake him a bit...finally the color came back into his face (we're talking, it was like someone just poured a bunch of color on him and filled him right back up) and then he started to come back to us.  I ran to get him some water and cool him off, he was burning up at this point.  I guess from all that pain he had a rush of adrenaline and out he went!  UGH!!  He's NOT allowed to do that again...scared me half to death!  The only funny thing about any of it was after we got home and got him some ice...and he was telling me what happened...he said the first thing he thought when he came to was...Darrell (that's my Dad)....why are you so close to me?? lol.  Oh brother.  I'm just thankful that he's ok...nothing's broken, and I'm praying that he doesn't do anything like that again!!!

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