Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Grouting Fool

Had to start our day off with a little groundhog relocation.  My Mom has had nothing but trouble with them this year...they want to eat EVERYTHING that she plants - RUDE!  Of course, Dad just left for a week long trip, so Kade and I have taken on the responsibility of moving these no to a new home.  Pretty sure he wasn't very happy with us :)

After that...it was time to get grouting again!  Today I did behind the stove, the clutter room and behind the laundry sink.  WOO-HOO!  I'm a grouting fool!

Forgot to take these pictures yesterday when I was grouting the other half of the kitchen!

I always feel like this part should just go so quickly...but it never does.

It's kind of like playing with wet sand.  Shove it in the cracks...let it set up

and then wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe!

Got the area done behind the laundry sink too!
(notice my Pioneer can koozie up on the shelf...it's probably 20 years old at least, and it's my FAVORITE...don't know what I'm ever going to do when it finally wears out - which is going to be sooner rather than later)

I made quite the mess during all of this...

I think it turned out really nice though!

Come on...lets do some laundry!!
(you'll probably never hear me say that again!)
Pantry side of the clutter room is done too!
Does that mean ALL grouting is done upstairs??

I couldn't wait to pull that dirty paper off of the counter!

Looks pretty darn good doesn't it?

This room is so close to being complete!
(insert squeal of excitement here!)
Just need to seal the grout, caulk the edges of the tile and install the faucet and appliances!
Oh...and finish the window trim, ugh!
Why does my head always make it seem like less?
When I start listing things it's like it's never going to end!

I couldn't even get Kade to leave tonight...he just kept on vacuuming!
I think he's as ready to move in and USE this space as I am!

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