Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Progress Continues!

Jeremy came back today and finished up the crown moulding.  We ended up being a couple pieces short, so he'll have to come back and finish that when we finally get them delivered.  We've also decided to have him do the pocket doors, so he can just come back and do all of that at the same time.

Here's the dining room with its crown moulding up.  LOVE IT!

Sunroom (this room is missing an entire piece on the other side, lol.

Sitting area and doors to the sunroom.  I can't wait to get that table cleaned off and get all of those tools actually put away!  That alone will change the entire look of the main floor!

Finally, the crown moulding is up over the kitchen cabinets.  I'm going to have to paint those to color match the cabinets.  I can't wait to see how that looks  :)

Jeremy touching up the crown moulding in the master bedroom.

Look what finally started blooming!!  I can't believe that 2 weeks ago it was snowing 14" and this weekend we have flowers blooming like crazy!

I worked on the cabinet doors again all day.  I think the back sides are finally done!

My cabinet door drying rack has really come in handy...especially since I've had to prime & paint these boogers what seems like a zillion times!!

A good solid coat...finally.  I'll probably let them dry tomorrow and then flip them and start painting the fronts on Monday or Tuesday.  There are so many different jobs I could be doing right now it's not even funny!  Not good for a person with ADD!

We stopped early so we could go to the last Harmans Bluegrass show at the auction this spring.  I can't believe it's already April!  Where has the time gone??  I'll try and remember to post a few pics when I get them onto my computer!

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