Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunny Sunday

Well, we got more some more done today!  Finally we were able to break out the brick wood boxes on the sides of the fireplace in the basement.  Yeah baby!!  Kade started with a chisel, and I finished with a sledge hammer  :)

Remember, this is how it looked before we got a hold of it

Why is it that using the sledge hammer is so much fun?

Oh look, it's Kade being organized again :)

This little section that was in the back corner of one of the boxes was really testing our commitment, lol.  We worked on that dumb stack of 6 bricks for probably 2 hours (at least that is how long it felt...I'm not really sure how long it was)  The rest of the box was put together with came out really quite easy...this section was put together with CEMENT!!  Go figure!!

FINALLY!!  It took Kade, Dad and I all three to get it out!  That's insane!

Look at how it came out...piece by little freakin' piece!

Here's all of the tools that it took to get it out.  I probably could have left out my hammer...I'm pretty sure I only swung that one or two was useless.  It was mostly the medium chisel and the 5lb. maul that got the job done!  Oh...and some elbow grease!

Doesn't that look better? will when we get the old soapstone stove out of the way and we get the walls painted (or drywalled)

Here's my reminder...this is what we're doing it for!  I was so happy to see the sun shining this weekend!  It really helps with the motivation!!

Tomorrow we'll be making our final decision on the floor plan.  It's that time!!

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