Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You Can't Stop Progress!!

Another day and a few more things checked off of the list.  Trying to get things ready for this weekend.  My brother will be home from Chicago for my b-day Friday and Saturday he's gathering his team and coming over to help get down the walls that we need taken out!  YEAH!!  The more help we have the better!

So today I went over and opened up the fireplace in the basement family room. (I've been DYING to do that!)  They had closed up the fireplace and put a wood burning stove in, then vented it through the fireplace.  Seems pointless to me!  I was going to take out all of the tile under the wood stove too, but boy was I shocked when I couldn't even budge the dang thing!!  I even sat on the floor and tried to move it with my feet!  (mind you I was trying some gentle force...I didn't want to break it with my mad Incredible Hulk power, lol!)

So here's the before.  Isn't this room just nice and 70's??

This is how they had the cover put on.  Screwed in with 9 screws and then some kind of gunk "sealing" the edge.

 This is the flue...after I finally got the cover off and un-wired the damper...I realized that the darn thing was rusted and the handle that you'd open and close the damper with wasn't even attached anymore.  Oh joy!

So here's how it looks without the stove pipe running through it and not being covered by the metal plate.  I think it looks MUCH better!  Going to have to wait until this weekend to get the stove out of the way though.  I don't really think Kade and I could move it on our own.  I swear...the thing must weigh a ton!!

Here's the hardwood floor that we've salvaged so far.  We've got more done upstairs...we'll probably move that down to the basement tomorrow.

I had to stop on my way back home and just admire our lake for a minute.  The weather was so nice again today too....ahhhhh!

Tonight Dad and Kade were back at it.  (I was working on designing the kitchen...which actually may be the death of me!!)  They finally got the rest of the soffit out!  That room just looks enormous now!

Here's my kitchen design station.  You know I'm going to give in and pay for the cabinets/design from Kitchenland  :)  Why am I even wasting my time?

From my "station" in the front room I kept hearing an awful noise...I got up...slid the pocket door open and peeked in at Dad & Kade....there they were ripping up the extra layer of subfloor in the kitchen.  Oh my gosh if you could have seen all the nails!  Look how big Dad's pry bar is - the think is like 4'.  That's the persuader of pry bars!!  They were both sweating like dogs when they were doing this! (and the temp is only 50 in the house...so you know they were working hard!!)

At the end of the evening...soffit gone, extra sub-floor up, more of the dividing wall gone!  Getting closer to wall removal time every day!!  That's going to be make a crazy difference!

So tomorrow we meet with someone about geothermal and then we meet with the chimney sweep to inspect and possibly clean the chimney (at the very least he will tell us what we need to do to make it usable).  We're probably going to have to get some kind of firebox to put in there.  I just want to build a fire NOW!!  But I suppose I should wait to hear what this guy says....cause I sure don't want to burn the place down!

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