Sunday, January 1, 2012

There's no turning back now!

Well, we didn't order the dumpster yet because we were afraid there was too much to do before we could really start tearing out wall, etc.  Since I want to salvage the current hardwood floor we probably should pull it all up and move it to the basement BEFORE we tear down ANY walls!  I'd rather not have to try and get plaster out of the wood grain of the flooring!

So here we go....time to gently remove approx. 1400 sq. ft. of hardwood flooring so that we can reuse it!  See that light fixture hanging in the "old" dining room (that's going to be a sitting area when we're done with our plans) back to the light fixture....Kade hit his head on that thing EVERY time he walked through that room.  I think I only did it once, but let's be real, once was enough!  Kade took that light down the first morning we were there working!  THANK GOODNESS!!

"Old" Dining Room before we came to town!

The flooring ran all the way through the hallway and into the back bedroom...
guess we know which room we're pulling flooring from next!

Kade removing flooring...oh my gosh...whose idea was this??  Oh...that's was MY idea!

 This is the front room (living room, going to be dining room, laundry and half bath)  We actually started removing the flooring in this room.  I started out using a chisel to help pry up the boards so that I could get the "wonder bar" under it and really loosen up the nails.  Every time I turned away from watching myself hammer that chisel I would hit my index finger on my left hand.  By the end of the weekend my finger was green/blue/purple and SOOOO sore!  By the end of the second day of flooring removal Kade had to ban me from using the chisel.  All it took was one glance at him and not the chisel and smack....OH MY GOSH!!  My finger hurt SOOOOO bad!  Hitting a bruised index finger at the knuckle with a hammer is NOT advised!  I decided I'd use the more difficult (and much slower) way of pulling up flooring...just to save myself!  :)

We got quite a bit of flooring up!  The 24x14 front room, 13.3x12 dining room AND the back bedroom (not sure how big that room is)  Being hunched over and on your knees on hardwood floor all day is hard on the body!  We used knee pads and tried to get up and walk around every once in awhile but we just wanted to get done!  My dad came and helped in the afternoon of day two - Who's idea was it to save that floor again....oh yeah, that's right....

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